Android Screen Mirroring
This demo video is useful for people who want to learn how to use alfacast screen mirror app on Google Android. This is actual for mobile Android and Android TV devices. Alfacast is a screen mirroring app with streaming and viewing features. You can find more detailed info about alfacast on Home page. We also provide brief instructions here to help you understand how to start streaming and watching. You can always review full text of App Instruction on our website. If you have any kind problems with the alfacast app please review Troubleshooting page on our website. To download alfacast app please visit Downloads page.
Steps for screen streaming
• Download alfacast application on your devices
• Connect your devices to the same network
• Run alfacast application on your devices
• Now your are ready to accept incoming connection
Steps for screen viewing
• Download alfacast application on your devices
• Connect your devices to the same network
• Run alfacast application on your devices
• Wait end of the discovery process (approximately 15-30 seconds)
• Select the required streamer from the list and wait end of the connection process
• Now your will view remote screen
Alfacast screen mirror. Regular version.
Video tutorial for the regular version of the alfacast application. This video will help you understand how alfacast screen mirror works. The regular version of alfacast app supports streaming video only up to SD quality.
Multichannel Streamer Mode
Streamer Mode
Viewer Mode
Alfacast x screen mirror. Extended version.
Video tutorial for the extended version of the alfacast application. This video will help you understand how alfacast x screen mirror works. The extended version of alfacast app supports streaming video up to 4K Ultra HD quality.
Multichannel Streamer Mode
Streamer Mode
Viewer Mode