Video Streaming & Video Playback
Video streaming is one of the most time-consuming and resource-intensive operations. Nowadays, we have great computing abilities with these abilities we can transmit a high-quality video signal. However, there are a number of problems that need to be solved before to do release of this kind of software: CPU or GPU performance, network bottleneck problems, audio / video codecs compatibility and other issues.
In alfacast there is the possibility of streaming a peer-to-peer video signal. Alfacast also allows you to broadcast your video stream to multiple users at the same time. We came up the extension of peer-to-peer transmission method and developed peer-to-many streaming technology. This technology is compatible with the outdated and “last year’s” devices. We optimized our system and it can operates even on old CPUs. Which gave good results in the overall performance of the system. As a result, our system is highly economical and energy efficient.
Watching video content is an integral part of any video signal receiver system. The signal receiver performs the role of receiving, processing and displaying visual information on the screen of the device. In most cases, the video receiver performs only the function of receiving a signal and does not transmit anything. To resolve video performance issues we use hardware accelerated video codecs: H.264, H.265, VP8, VP9. We also use the above codecs in software mode. Any user can choose any decoder that is needed at the moment.
Alfacast combines the video playback function and the broadcast streaming function. You can watching videos from the desktop, camera, video files from your other devices. Also, the application has a built-in video broadcast streaming function. Thus, you do not need to have two applications for these two different functions, it is enough to have one – alfacast.
To download alfacast app please visit Downloads page.