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Network Discovery

The initial stage of interaction between network nodes is a discovery process. A network node is any device with the ability to connect to a network: mobile phone, laptop, computer, tablet, etc. Discovery of nodes is possible in different ways, usually there is an environment in which the discovery process occurs and the main node in the network that is responsible for the association and binding. In most cases, a router acts in this role.

Alfacast application automatically detects all nodes inside the same local network. There is no need to scan the QR code to connect or add a new user, or enter manually the IP address of the new device. One node binds to another node and establishes a connection. In the alfacast network, there is no any dedicated node that is responsible for detecting or for establishing a connection between them. Each alfacast network node is independent and performs the discovery process independently with other nodes. After the nodes have discovered each other within the local network, then the process of connecting the nodes occurs.

We use the UDP broadcast protocol for discovery between network nodes and the UDP unicast protocol for establishing a connection between nodes, as well as for receiving and transmitting data. We have not set the limit of network nodes in our system. You can use an unlimited number of devices with the alfacast application inside your local network.

Our application can also work without a router in Ad-Hoc mode. Inside Ad-Hoc network, alfacast app will do the same actions to detect all other nodes. Just create Ad-Hoc network to use this functionality. Please note: all alfacast nodes must have a valid IPv4 address. Alfacast app does not support IPv6 addresses. Alfacast app supports Ad-Hoc functionality within WiFi and Bluetooth networks. The connection between nodes is always encrypted.

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