Apple iOS Screen Mirror Demo

This demo video is useful for people who want to learn how to use alfacast screen mirror app on Apple iOS: iPhone, iPad devices. Alfacast is a screen mirroring app with streaming and viewing features. You can find more detailed info about alfacast on Home page.

Steps for screen streaming

• Download alfacast application on your devices
• Connect your devices to the same network
• Run alfacast application on your devices
• Select Live Broadcast option from main menu
• Tap on Apple ReplayKit dot controller
• Make sure the alfacast live extension is selected in the list
• Tap on Start Broadcast button for start streaming
• Now your are ready to accept incoming connection

Steps for screen viewing

• Download alfacast application on your devices
• Connect your devices to the same network
• Run alfacast application on your devices
• Wait end of the discovery process (approximately 15-30 seconds)
• Select the required streamer from the list and wait end of the connection process
• Now your will view remote screen

Alfacast screen mirror. Regular version.

Multichannel Streamer Mode

Streamer Mode

Viewer Mode

Alfacast x screen mirror. Extended version.

Multichannel Streamer Mode

Streamer Mode

Viewer Mode